Friday 9 March 2018

My name is Naomi Timpany
Chatterbox , tap dancer, enthusiastic, helpful
Sibling of James
Lover of sushi, cats and kittens, swimming
Who feels loved, enthusiastic, sensitive
Who needs laughter, friends,rainbows
Who fears heights,eels,ducks and my little brother
Who dreams of being a doctor
Resident of Gisborne, New Zealand

Tree art

So you need to draw a tree I would just do it up side down. then you need to find colors that mix together and color inside the shapes. When you are finished you get black crayon and put them in the lines. Then you need to find colors that are like each other then you need to color the background . Next you need to get the black crayon again and color the stump.

Thursday 8 March 2018

all about me

All did was a vivid and draw squiggly lines and get some paint mix colors together paint and go in side the squiggly lines and paint when it is finished get a vivid and write about you