Friday 31 August 2018

my favorite 😀

 last week we did my favourite  things my favourite celebrity is asher angel from Andi mack I think next time I should add more things that I love because I could´nt  write any more.

Friday 17 August 2018


Why do kids do chores?

Why do kids do chores?
Sometimes parents wonder if they should really give their kids chores, after all, isn't it the parents responsibility to manage the household? and don’t kids need to be kids sorry I didn’t introduce myself my name is Naomi I am talking about why kids do chores  some kids do chores to get money, but I don’t think they get it I did some research that 82 percent said they grew up doing chores that’s heaps don’t kids when they clean their room 2 days later it’s messy and they have to clean it again some parents encourage children to do chores but  when there older they tell their kids to do chores and it keeps on going around the family I think if our parents say to do chores you say yes because it helps them a lot even if you in year one you can clean your room or clean the table if your in year 5 and up you could do anything except doing the lawns or if you no how to you can  you should help parents even a family member and your teacher says get something from the printer that is helping someone and kind of a chore I no the tricks of being a child and having to chores you ask your parents for money and we say we are going to do chores tomorrow but they end up doing nothing because there parents forget about it but I would never do that to my mum that is what I heard that from my friends  do your chores naomi! I walked to my room and sighed another day of cleaning it is not fair because you have siblings and why can’t clean their room then me or my parents have to do it and if I do my chores my little brother gets to have all the credit and not me put your hand up if you don’t feel like you don’t get the credit? I think if you did the chores without your parents knowing they will be really happy and so will you thank you for listening

what i love

These are the things that I love the most that I like is unicorns,sushi and netball I think next time I should add more stuff that I LOVE! It was really fun doing this that I want to do it again!

my unique super hero

This is my unique super hero it is called sally sea shells you need to put the alphabet around the super hero and write what  there super powers are I think next time should add my super powers.

Monday 6 August 2018

math prodigy

Today I  did math prodigy I have 600 in my members  jar it's really fun playing it  you get to learn math my pets are amazing they are called cloud neek and peeko. peeko just got his new spell called wind whistler it is really cool.I learnt about decimals and times tables it is really fun learning math I can't wait  to play again.